Kiwoito Africa Safaris


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Nature has its unique way of operating things which often makes people wonder and question the reality of the universe, this can be observed in a wildlife world where the stronger survives at the expense of the weaker. One of the charismatic animals that is a victim of nature is a warthog, which is unpopular but common among the wild animals normally referred to as less intelligent creatures daily fighting for survival in the wilderness. Commonly existing in two variations of species, common and desert warthogs they are both known for their distinctive features such as tusks that can grow to 25cm in length, bristly manes, and perpetual grins that are not less attractive just like the famous big 5, common warthogs dwell mostly in parts of subsaharan Africa in countries like Ethiopia, Tanzania and down to south Africa. Their speed of 35mph makes them vulnerable prey in the eyes of dangerous wild species such as lions, tigers, hyenas, etc., making the life of warthog in the wild miserable as it is indeed difficult to outpace such dangerous hungry beastes hence some of them can sprint up to 130mph which is more than triple the speed of the humble warthog.

Warthogs live in family groups called sounders, this is to say warthogs are family animals who make their living by digging the soil to obtain their daily bread, unlike other animals of carnivorous nature, who survive upon the freshness of their prey. They are commonly spotted early in the morning or late during the evening before they return to their burrows located underground for sleeping, warthogs survive by eating grasses however during the dry season they mainly survive by digging the tree roots as well as small insects.

Warthogs have a lifespan of 7-11 years which is impressive despite living in mere danger in the wilderness, being vulnerable and food to other species of the jungle, such as lions, tigers, and wild dogs who seem to enjoy warthogs fresh. a warthog can live up to 18 years if held in captivity away from the wild. The life of warthog tells a unique story of how nature allows every species to survive against all odds, by providing necessities such as shelter(underground burrows) and food in terms of grasses and roots allowing warthog to survive despite being at the bottom of the food chain.

Are you wondering how you will see warthogs and many other wild animals?

At Kiwoito Africa Safaris, we’re passionate about creating unforgettable experiences that connect you with the heart of Africa. Let us take you on a journey where every moment is an adventure, and every creature, like Warthog, has a story to tell.

Warthog Behaviors

Warthogs have a practice of trespassing on others’ homes

Although they can excavate, warthogs normally use holes dug by other animals, like aardvarks. They sleep and rest in holes. The shelter holes provide is important for their thermoregulation — having neither fur nor fat, this species lacks both protection from the sun and insulation from cold. Sometimes, they will fill the holes with grass for warmth.

Males prefer a bachelor’s lifestyle — only joining females to mate

Warthogs live in family groups composed of a female and her young. Sometimes, two families, often of related females, will join together. Males normally live alone, only joining these groups to mate.

Female warthogs abandon their young

Before giving birth to a new litter, the female will chase away the litter she has been raising and goes into isolation. These abandoned juveniles may join up with another solitary female for a short time before they go out on their own. The female suckles the new litter, and each piglet has its own teat, suckling exclusively from it. Even if a piglet dies, the others do not suckle from the available teat. As such, litter sizes are usually confined to four young because females only have four teats.



This is an ideal way to cut down the costs as travelers in the group share the expenses on fuel, guides, etc. and at the same time share the experience with new friends.